by Michelle | Feb 13, 2018 | Recipes | 19 comments. Some of his other responsibilities/strengths are WordPress website design, CSS/HTML coding, creating visual animations using Jquery, page layout, and troubleshooting many different types of problems that may arise. Make sure you don’t have any heights set and the tutorial should work. Hello and thanks for the fine tutorial. First, we set the slide container display to flex to allow us to position our content. Over the years of working with the Divi theme from Elegant Themes, one of the most common complaints I hear is the fact that, by default, the full-width slider module is not responsive (“mobile-friendly”). I would suggest just creating a second slider for mobile that is a simpler version. That’s what we’re doing here – Just use the guideline for image … That sort of defies the purpose of the slider for me. ... Background Image Size. After all, I see this question asked in one form or another at least on a daily basis in the Divi Facebook Groups. Note: These settings do not take into account the slider controls, if you have those switched on and have your content aligned to the bottom, you will want to add a little bottom margin so your content does not sit on top of them. If I add 22 or 25% to the top and bottom paddings, slider jumps down from the above section and all looks not good. In a way like I would set a background image to «fit» instead of «cover». The tutorial is meant for that module. I have a really fullscreen slider with 1920×1080 images in it. From the WordPress Dashboard, go to Divi → Theme Options and, under General Settings, enter the following CSS in the Custom CSS text box: Once the settings panel appears, go to the Design tab and open the Sizing block. Setting the height of sliders in the Divi Theme (and other sites using Divi Builder) can be a surprisingly difficult task. Dustin is great. Super helpful! Next we remove the default padding for the slides and set the min-height and height to 50vh, which is 50% of the screen height. Divi support didn’t meet my need and I found my answer thanks to you. Unfortunately or not, the Divi Theme uses huge thumbnail images when displaying your blog posts or when you are using the blog module in the Divi Builder. That is the exact tutorial I used to add links to background images in full width sliders. Divi offers another slider module to create a video slider on your page. The Divi Theme comes with a slider module to let you display a gallery of images. If you found this helpful please leave a comment and subscribe to my newsletter for all my latest Divi related content. It looks like you have a height/min-height of 600px set somewhere. There are customization options similar to the other slider … Founded by Michelle Nunan, a full time Divi educator and child theme developer, Divi Soup aims to bring useful tutorials, tips and tricks to both new and experienced Divi users. Start by creating a new page (Pages -> Add New) and edit it with Divi Builder by clicking the Use Divi … I’m suprised as i’ve removed all the height relevance. Then we set the header content container to fullwidth also and decide our own padding value, I have chosen 2% here but you can adjust this to whatever you want. The image carousel module is perfect for showcasing a set of images, your portfolio pieces, client logos and much more. height: 490px; Here’s the link:, Adding text seems to cause problems with this. I did some other manipulation, but please take a look. Slider background images should be at least the width of the column that it sits in. The easy way to create a beautiful image carousel using Divi Supreme Image Carousel Module. It has a fixed height, but this can easily be changed by adding a bit of … Very customer friendly. Glad it helped! It looks like you have a 400px height set somewhere –, .et_pb_fullwidth_slider_0, .et_pb_fullwidth_slider_0 .et_pb_slide { Hi! You can see how this tutorial works in the example slider below. So, if you have any input on this, we’d be ever so grateful! You may have come into a situation when you created a Divi website with a slider and the size of your slider was just not right. A fully compatible plugin with Divi 4.0 and its new Theme Builder. It’s probably in your slider settings, either for the slider itself, or the individual slide settings. .your-element { We then also remove the margin so that the content container spans the width of the screen. }. I’ve tried putting the 22% padding in both the individual slide settings under “Spacing” and under the Design tab for each Desktop, Tablet & Phone. I have been with Dustin and Innovative Solutions for over a year now. Fantastic service and very quick responses to any problems or feedback! The easy way to create a beautiful image carousel using Divi Supreme Image Carousel Module. I did look at comments, but nothing helped. I noticed that your second slide in the rotation is working correctly. Divi Image Carousel Demo. Thanks for the quick reply, creating a second slider for mobile devices using just a button (no text) worked! You’re most welcome, I’m glad it worked for you! There are a number of ways to control the height of your modules, and if you don’t want to change the way the content is aligned, then I would recommend you do this by adjusting the top and bottom padding in the module settings as this will make your module taller or shorter and it’s super easy to maintain, but if you need to control the content position completely, then read on, As everyone’s content will be different, you’re going to want to bring your own media queries if you want a different look on mobile. In this example, we will use the Slider module to create a slider with custom content. With all the updates, those are quite outdated now, and they didn’t cover the fullwidth header, standard slider or vertically positioning your content. Such as, fishing, camping, hiking and enjoying a day at the lake during the summer. Creating and managing your own WordPress site has never been easier. I need to update this tutorial, just haven’t had time lately. Way back in 2016 I wrote this post on alternating left and right aligned fullwidth slider and this post on aligning the fullwidth slider text left or right. Any suggestions? Thanks again!! How to Create a Slider with Divi. I like that it has images, content, and buttons separately. How to add, configure and customize the Divi slider module. You are a rockstar! Thanks so much! I would suggest either adding the text directly to your photos or creating the text as a graphic and displaying it that way. . This format is set with the dimensions of 400px * 250px - a ratio of 16:10 (slightly different from 16:9). If you’re working with portraits on your website, the person module is the best divi image size to use. We have been with Innovative since the launching of our site. With free themes, plugins and more you can have your business website or blog up and running in no time. If you are wondering, Divi is one of the best alternatives to Oxygen Builder app.. Aside from that, Divi sliders also support parallax backgrounds and video backgrounds (which is uniquely one of its kind in the WordPress … We are experiencing the same problem with links on the slider not working within mobile view, the links work perfectly on the desktop and tablet, just not a phone. As in Eileen’s case, my client wanted to have blog post listing to have more of a traditional look with smaller images on the left and the text on the right. The field labeled “slide image” is a much smaller image that appears in front of the background image, or can also be left blank so that just the fullsize background image appears. There’s no mobile switch for this in Divi. Open up the the module and in the Advanced tab, add a custom class of ds-fw-slider, then save and close the module. Please advise. Michelle has been building websites since the late nineties, back in the days of GeoCities and Napster, before the web was the wonderful place it is now. If you want to be able to control it on a slide-by-slide basis, it's a bit trickier as Divi doesn't give you a way to set a CSS id on an individual slide. Try reading the other comments, a lot of the common issues are covered. To do so, hover your mouse over the row and click the gear icon. Plugin Tutorial: How to Create an Image Carousel in Divi You’ll need to adjust the padding to get your desired result. The website is: Here you can change the speed for sliding the slider. See our privacy policy here. Note* due to changes in the latest version of Divi, it now takes 2 additional steps to make this work in all browsers. Do you… Read more », You can adjust the border with a media query: This solved my issue instantly, wonderful. We then set the padding for our content at 2% but you can change this to whatever you want. Background Image: [add your background image] (I’m using an image from Repeat this step for as many slides as you need. Divi is by far the most popular and powerful themes … If you want a little space around, just add some margin back in. An active child theme. These classes can be used in your Divi Child Theme or within the Custom CSS that you add to your page or your website using the Divi Theme Options or Divi Builder Page Settings. I looked at your site and it appears that you’re not using the full-width slider module. I see “.et_pb_slides” Should it be “.et_pb_slider?”. I tried your instructions and haven’t been able to make it responsive yet. You can’t have any height set for the slider or individual slides, the padding as a % will control the height. And finally, we adjust the width of the content container, remove the margin (so it spans the width of the module) and the padding (we already set the padding in the container above).Â. Here's how to take control of your sliders and get them to display at the height you want on desktops, mobiles and tablets. – Fixed the issue when settings from Divi Global Defaults Editor were not migrated to Div Presets for the Divi Builder plugin. Divi allows you to replace the default WordPress Gallery display with a Divi Gallery display. As of today, Revolution Slider is the #1 selling slider plugin on the market. All Rights Reserved. Background Image Position. May be I´m missing something…? Also, ease of billing. Thanks so much for any help So deciding on an image size is pretty straight forward. Suppose you start with a full-width slider with a background image and some text, similar to that shown in the featured image … Here's a quick tip for positioning the slide text on individual slides with the Divi Theme's full width slider.. Now you have complete control of the height and content position of your headers and sliders. This means that if you wanted to add a background colour to your content for example, you can do that and the background will span the width of your header and sit flush on all sides, depending where you have decided to align it. Please feel free to contact us if you ever need help building your Divi websites. Then we position the content using the align-items property. Then we add some padding to create some space around the content. You can use any of the premade divi post sliders … { Thank you!!!!! border: none !important; 501px), the mobile icon will appear. Thank you for this article. I think I’m all set – thank you for your help on this!! You also need to go into each slide and make sure the background size is set to “Cover”. If you have a button or text on top of the background image, this will affect the responsiveness. Here you can change the speed for sliding the slider. Also, using these Divi modules, users can easily create a beautiful Divi website within no time. Thanks Michelle – This was the perfect fix for my home page slider! Designed by Michelle Nunan, alternating left and right aligned fullwidth slider, aligning the fullwidth slider text left or right, F31: Gradient Snakeline Timeline Infographic, R44: An Overview of Divi 3.18 and WordPress 5.0, Q21: Change the Read More Text and Other Elements in Divi, R23: How to Create a Scrolling Image Carousel in Divi, Q8: Vertically center any content in Divi, R25: How to create a 2, 3 or 4 column square blog layout, R22: How to Add Links to the Divi Gallery Module and Show Captions on Hover. Could you take a look? A huge thank you in advance!! Need help with making the slider mobile responsive please, I tried doing the tutorial but it’s not working. Then add this CSS code into Divi > Theme Options > General > Custom CSS field. It has long been known that speed plays a big role in search engine rankings. That’s not too far from the default 1.6 value so in many cases the default blog module 400 x 250 thumbnail size might … Upload your desired image, or type in the URL to the image you would like to use as the background for the slider. You’re most welcome, glad it worked for you! If you are wondering, Divi is one of the best alternatives to Oxygen Builder app.. Aside from that, Divi sliders also support parallax backgrounds and video … Were you able to find a fix? I’ve added a border around the fullwidth header and it looks great using CSS Parallax as when i scroll down it looks like a window. He takes great pride in the fact that he truly enjoys doing what he does best, Building Professional Websites! Synced Slider layout (A small carousel syncs with the full size image above) Autoplay Animation; Infinite Animation; Choose the number of images you want to show in the carousel. It appears that you may hive a height set on the slider, remove the height and it should work. Admin Label However, he hated how the different sized images would move the page up and down and it went from … Divi doesn't show the mobile icon when the main (desktop) height setting is the default of 500px, but if you change this to something else (e.g. There is an option under the advanced tab to “Show CTA on Mobile”, if that’s switched off, it may be why your links aren’t working. Backgrounds are set as cover. Thank you Dustin and the team!! flex-end will align to the bottom, flex-start to the top, and center to the middle. I’ve added the css in the Divi > Theme Options > General > Custom CSS field. We also set the container to fullwidth (default is 80% or 1080px maximum). Choose the CSS positioning of the background image for each slide. With what they have done with our website and how people find us is amazing., How To Make The Divi Portfolio Carousel Responsive, How To Change Text On Divi Contact Form Submit Button, How to Change the Alignment of Your Divi Footer Text. Required fields are marked *. One small question: what bothers me a bit is that on smaller/mobile screens a good deal of the slider (and the images of course) is being cut of. Divi is by far the most popular and powerful themes on the market. If using a slider, just add a single slide for now, once we have all the settings in place you can just duplicate the first slide and swap out the content. Hi, unfortunately I cannot find the top and bottom padding in divi 3…. 3:4 – 600 x 800 (recommended for portraits) 16:9 – 600 x 338 4:3 – 600 x 400 If you’re working with portraits on your website, the person module is the best divi image size to use. The new Height option is available on standard sliders, post sliders, fullwidth sliders and fullwidth post sliders. Next we need to get rid of/change the spacing (padding and margin) Divi adds by default. I had to make a little adjustment in the bottom padding but that was all. Next, you will need to add a full-width section to the Divi Builder and then add a full-width slider module (see the two screenshots below). Choose the CSS positioning of the background image for each slide. For the prep you just need to add the module (Fullwidth Header, Fullwidth Slider or Standard Slider) to your page and add in your content. can you help me please? You will not be disappointed. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and found it useful! In fact, all your Divi soup recipes are excellent. Divi’s Fullwidth Slider Module comes with some great features including the ability to add sliders with parallax and video background. Still images on slider are way cropped on mobile. Subscribe to receive regular emails packed with tips, tricks, tutorials, freebies, product info and promotional offers, and get instant access to 25 completely free awesome Divi resources! If your site is slow, the more likely users will move on from your page. Image format n°1 : and-pb-post-main-image.
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